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Как найти строку в строке начиная с определённой позиции?

Delphi , Синтаксис , Текст и Строки

Как найти строку в строке начиная с определённой позиции?

// Name: cnsSmartPos
// Author: Com-N-Sense
// Date:
// Purpose: Find a substring in a string starting from any position in the string.
// Params: SubStr - a substring for search.
//         S - the source string to search within
//         StartPos - the index position to start the search.
// Result: Integer - the position of the substring,
//                   zero - if the substring was not found
// Remarks: This is the original Delphi "Pos" function modified to support
//          the start pos parameter.
function SmartPosAsm(const substr : AnsiString; const s : AnsiString; StartPos : Cardinal) : Integer;
StrRec = packed record
   allocSiz: Longint;
   refCnt: Longint;
   length: Longint;
skew = sizeof(StrRec);
{     ->EAX     Pointer to substr               }
{       EDX     Pointer to string               }
{     <-EAX     Position of substr in s or 0    }
       TEST    EAX,EAX
       JE      @@noWork
       TEST    EDX,EDX
       JE      @@stringEmpty
       PUSH    EBX
       PUSH    ESI
       PUSH    EDI
       MOV     ESI,EAX         { Point ESI to substr           }
       MOV     EDI,EDX         { Point EDI to s                }
       MOV     EAX,ECX
       MOV     ECX,[EDI-skew].StrRec.length  { ECX = Length(s) }
       ADD     EDI,EAX
       SUB     ECX,EAX
       PUSH    EDI  { remember s position to calculate index        }
       MOV     EDX,[ESI-skew].StrRec.length    { EDX = Length(substr)       
       DEC     EDX                             { EDX = Length(substr) - 1              }
       JS      @@fail                          { < 0 ? return 0                        }
       MOV     AL,[ESI]                        { AL = first char of substr             }
       INC     ESI                             { Point ESI to 2'nd char of substr      }
       SUB     ECX,EDX                         { #positions in s to look at    }
                                               { = Length(s) - Length(substr) + 1      }
       JLE     @@fail
       REPNE   SCASB
       JNE     @@fail
       MOV     EBX,ECX                         { save outer loop counter               }
       PUSH    ESI                             { save outer loop substr pointer        }
       PUSH    EDI                             { save outer loop s pointer             }
       MOV     ECX,EDX
       REPE    CMPSB
       POP     EDI                             { restore outer loop s pointer  }
       POP     ESI                             { restore outer loop substr pointer     }
       JE      @@found
       MOV     ECX,EBX                         { restore outer loop counter    }
       JMP     @@loop
       POP     EDX                             { get rid of saved s pointer    }
       XOR     EAX,EAX
       JMP     @@exit
       XOR     EAX,EAX
       JMP     @@noWork
       POP     EDX                             { restore pointer to first char of s    }
       MOV     EAX,EDI                         { EDI points of char after match        }
       SUB     EAX,EDX                         { the difference is the correct index   }
       POP     EDI
       POP     ESI
       POP     EBX
end; //SmartPosAsm
function cnsSmartPos(const substr : AnsiString; const s : AnsiString; StartPos : Cardinal) : Integer;
Result := SmartPosAsm(SubStr,S,StartPos);
if Result > 0 then Result := Result + StartPos;
end; //cnsSmartPos

Статья Как найти строку в строке начиная с определённой позиции? раздела Синтаксис Текст и Строки может быть полезна для разработчиков на delphi & pascal.

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