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Использование регулярных выражений в Delphi

Delphi , Синтаксис , Синтаксис

Использование регулярных выражений в Delphi

Оформил: DeeCo
Автор: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch

It is possible to use regular expressions in Delphi thanks to their 
implementation inside "Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Script". 
First of all I want to say that this article isn't a theoretical 
analisys of the regular expressions but an explanation of how to use 
them in Delphi. 
First of all I suggest you to download the latest version of 
"Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Script" at the following url: 


Download the desired package. 
Once downloaded, run it to install. 

It will be installed Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Script wich containes: 

    Visual Basic(r) Script Edition (VBScript.) Version 5.6, 
    JScript(r) Version 5.6, Windows Script Components, 
    Windows Script Host 5.6, 
    Windows Script Runtime Version 5.6. 

We are interested in the implementation of regular expressions, 
which is in the file "vbscript.dll". Every time you will want to 
run a program, wich exploits regular expressions by using 
"Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Script", on a given computer, it will be needed to 
copy the file "vbscript.dll" on the target computer and register it with the 
following command line: 

regsvr32 vbscript.dll 

Note that the auto-installing package, you have downloaded from the 
internet, automatically do it. 

Now let's go to import the type library in Delphi: 

In the delphi menu, select "Project" then "Import type library": it 
shows a mask containing a list. 
Inside the list select "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions" 
(followed by a version number). It is possible that there are more then 
one item with this name (it only changes the version number): in this 
situation select the item with the higher version number. 
In date September the 23th 2002, the package that can be downloaded 
from Microsoft's internet site returns the following value: 

    "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 (Version 5.5)" 

This version supplies the following "Class Names" 


Define the name of the pascal unit, wich will be the type library import unit, in 
the edit box "Unit dir name". 

Uncheck the checkbox "Generate Component Wrapper" (we are only interested in the 
pascal source) 
and press the button "Create Unit" to create the import unit. 

Let's assume to have the latest available version in date 
September the 23th i.e. 

    "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 (Version 5.5)" 

The following "interface" are declared: 

   IRegExp = interface;
   IMatch = interface;
   IMatchCollection = interface;
   IRegExp2 = interface;
   IMatch2 = interface;
   IMatchCollection2 = interface;
   ISubMatches = interface;

IRegExp and IRegExp2 are different versions (IRegExp2 is the latest) 
of the same "interface". Idem for the other "interface". 

Then there are the declarations of CoClasses defined in Type Library. 
We map each CoClass to its Default Interface: 

   RegExp = IRegExp2;
   Match = IMatch2;
   MatchCollection = IMatchCollection2;
   SubMatches = ISubMatches;

 //IRegExp2 is the "main" "interface": 

// 1) properties: 

    a) property Pattern: WideString read Get_Pattern
                                     write Set_Pattern;
     //regular expression 

    b) property IgnoreCase: WordBool read Get_IgnoreCase
                                      write Set_IgnoreCase;
     //"case insensitive" search (TRUE o FALSE) 

    c) property Global: WordBool read Get_Global write Set_Global;
     //TRUE for global search on the input string of the method "Execute" 
    //FALSE if you want to stop after the first match 

    d) property Multiline: WordBool read Get_Multiline
                                     write Set_Multiline;
     //If the input string contains '\n' charachters, it contains several 
    //rows. If Multiline = FALSE (default value) then the regular 
    //expression must be tested distinctly on each row. 
    //If Multiline = TRUE the regular expression must be tested on the 
    //whole input string. 

// 2) methods: 

    a) function  Execute(const sourceString: WideString): IDispatch;
     //it returns a Matches collection object containing a match object 
    //for each succesfull match 

    b) function  Test(const sourceString: WideString): WordBool;
     //it returns TRUE if the regular expression can succesfully be 
    //matched against the string 

    c) function  Replace(const sourceString: WideString;
                       const replaceString: WideString): WideString;
     //it replaces all the matches, inside "sourceString" with the 
    //replace string "replaceString". 
    //You can use the values $1, $2, $3, ... in order to define a 
    //replace-string made by substrings of the pattern. 

IMatchCollection2 collects all the matches 

For example: 

   i: integer;
   MatchesCollection: IMatchCollection2;


   MatchesCollection := Execute(InputStr) as IMatchCollection2;

   for i := 1 to MatchesCollection.Count - 1 do
       Memo1.Lines.Add((MatchesCollection.Item[i] as IMatch2).Value);


 {Remember that you can substitute the "interface" types with 
the CoClass types: 

  RegExp            (IRegExp2) 
  Match             (IMatch2) 
  MatchCollection   (IMatchCollection2) 
  SubMatches        (ISubMatches) 

The main properties of IMatchCollection2 are:}

     a) property Item[index: Integer]: IDispatch read Get_Item;
     //Matches array; index in [0..n] 

    b) property Count: Integer read Get_Count;
     //Number of matches 

{The Item property returns "IMatch2" values 

IMatch2 represents each succesfull match 

The main properties are}

     a) property Value: WideString read Get_Value;
     //matched value or text 

    b) property FirstIndex: Integer read Get_FirstIndex;
     //the position within the original string where the match occurred. 
    //Note that the first position in a string is 0 

    c) property Length: Integer read Get_Length;
     //length of the matched string 

    d) property SubMatches: IDispatch read Get_SubMatches;
     //substrings ($1, $2, $3, ...) 

{ISubMatches collects the values of $1, $2, $3, ... 

The main properties are}

     a) property Item[index: Integer]: OleVariant read Get_Item;
     //for example Item[3] is $3; note that index values start from 0 

    property Count: Integer read Get_Count;
     //number of substrings 

Short description of $1, $2, $3, ... 
They are defined in the following manner: 

let's scan the pattern from left to right: 
$1 is the substring from the first open parenthesis to the corrisponding 
closed one. 
$1 is the substring from the second open parenthesis to the corrisponding 
closed one. 
$1 is the substring from the third open parenthesis to the corrisponding 
closed one. 
For example: let's consider the following pattern 

(FTP|HTTP)://([_a-z\d\-]+(\.[_a-z\d\-]+)+)((/[ _a-z\d\-\\\.]+)+)* 

$1 = FTP|HTTP 
$2 = [_a-z\d\-]+(\.[_a-z\d\-]+)+ 
$3 = \.[_a-z\d\-]+ 
$4 = (/[ _a-z\d\-\\\.]+)+ 
$5 = /[ _a-z\d\-\\\.]+ 

Finally a couple of examples: 

Save an html file from the internet and name it "Test.htm". 
Create a new delphi project: drop 2 buttons (btSearch e btReplace) 
and a Memo (Memo1); of course include in the "uses" directive the 
name of the import unit. 

 //returns all links in "Test.htm" and $1, $2, $3, etc... 
procedure TForm1.btSearchClick(Sender: TObject);
   i, j: integer;
   FileStream: TFileStream;
   InputStr, InputFile: string;
   RegExp1: RegExp;
   MatchCollection1: MatchCollection;
   Match1: Match;
   SubMatches1: ISubMatches;
  InputFile := 'Test.htm'; //input file 

  FileStream := TFileStream.Create(InputFile, fmOpenRead);

   SetLength(InputStr, FileStream.Size);

   FileStream.Read(InputStr[1], FileStream.Size);
   //load "Test.htm" in InputString 

  RegExp1 := CoRegExp.Create;

   with RegExp1 do
       //I want to search all links 
      Pattern := '(FTP|HTTP)://([_a-z\d\-]+(\.[_a-z\d\-]+)+)' +
                  '((/[ _a-z\d\-\\\.]+)+)*';
       IgnoreCase := True; //"case insensitive" search 
      Global := True; //I want to search all the matches 
      MatchCollection1 := Execute(InputStr) as MatchCollection;

   for i := 0 to MatchCollection1.Count - 1 do
       Match1 := MatchCollection1.Item[i] as Match;
       SubMatches1 := Match1.SubMatches as SubMatches;
       for j := 0 to SubMatches1.Count - 1 do
           Memo1.Lines.Add('          ' + '$' + inttostr(j + 1) +
                           ' = ' + VarToStr(SubMatches1.Item[j]));

   RegExp1 := nil;



 //I replace all links in "Test.htm" with a new string and 
//save the result string in the new file "Test_out.htm" 
procedure TForm1.btReplaceClick(Sender: TObject);
   i: integer;
   InFileStream, OutFileStream: TFileStream;
   InputStr, OutputStr, InputFile, OutputFile: string;
   RegExp1: RegExp;
   MatchCollection1: MatchCollection;
   Match1: Match;
   SubMatches1: ISubMatches;
   InputFile := 'Test.htm';
   OutputFile := 'Test_out.htm';

   InFileStream := TFileStream.Create(InputFile, fmOpenRead);

   SetLength(InputStr, InFileStream.Size);

   InFileStream.Read(InputStr[1], InFileStream.Size);


   RegExp1 := CoRegExp.Create;

   with RegExp1 do
       Pattern := '(FTP|HTTP)://([_a-z\d\-]+(\.[_a-z\d\-]+)+)' +
                  '((/[ _a-z\d\-\\\.]+)+)*';
       IgnoreCase := True;
       Global := True;
       OutputStr := Replace(InputStr, '$2');

   OutFileStream := TFileStream.Create(OutputFile, fmCreate);

   SetLength(OutputStr, Length(OutputStr));

   OutFileStream.Write(OutputStr[1], Length(OutputStr));


   RegExp1 := nil;

   ShowMessage('replace completed');

 //Search on Google: "VBScript Regular Expressions" 

Статья предлагает шаг за шагом руководство по использованию регулярных выражений в Delphi с помощью реализации Microsoft VBScript.

Скачивание и установка VBScript

Первым шагом является скачать и установить пакет "Microsoft Windows Script" с официального сайта Microsoft. Пакет включает несколько компонентов, включая VBScript, который содержит реализацию регулярных выражений.

После установки файл vbscript.dll нужно скопировать на целевую машину и зарегистрировать с помощью командной утилиты regsvr32.

Импорт типовой библиотеки в Delphi

Для использования регулярных выражений в Delphi необходимо импортировать типовую библиотеку VBScript. Это делается выбрав "Проект" > "Импорт типовой библиотеки" и затем выбирая опцию "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions".

Результатом будет единица, содержащая интерфейсы и классы для работы с регулярными выражениями, включая TRegExp, TMatch, TMatchCollection и TSubMatches.

Использование регулярных выражений в Delphi

Статья предлагает несколько примеров использования регулярных выражений в Delphi. Вот некоторые из них:

  1. Поиск ссылок: Пример использует класс CoRegExp для поиска всех ссылок в файле HTML, названном "Test.htm", с помощью шаблона (FTP|HTTP)://([a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z\d\-]+)+)((/[a-z\d\-\\\.]+)+)*. Результаты поиска затем отображаются в контроле мемо.
  2. Замена ссылок: Пример использует метод Replace для замены всех ссылок в строке ввода на новую строку.

Ключевые концепции

  • Регулярные выражения: язык pattern-matching для поиска и проверки текста.
  • VBScript: скриптовый язык, разработанный Microsoft, который включает поддержку регулярных выражений.
  • Delphi: программный язык и среда разработки от Embarcadero Technologies.
  • CoClasses: классы COM (Component Object Model), которые можно создавать в Delphi.

Советы и трюки

  • Используйте класс CoRegExp для создания нового объекта регулярного выражения.
  • Используйте свойство Pattern для установки шаблона регулярного выражения.
  • Используйте свойство IgnoreCase для включения нечувствительности к регистру.
  • Используйте свойство Global для поиска всех совпадений в строке ввода.
  • Используйте метод Replace для замены всех совпадений на новую строку.

В целом, статья предлагает полное руководство по использованию регулярных выражений в Delphi с помощью VBScript.

Использование регулярных выражений в Delphi: статья предлагает описание способа использования регулярных выражений в программном обеспечении Delphi, благодаря импорту типовой библиотеки из Microsoft Windows Script.

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